Recently, I took one of my clients through OUR process of finding HER process….oh! another process in play!
This business owner was already successful, accomplished, and had achieved every goal set. She was ready for the next phase – an expansion of vision and services. She was clear on her intent and the people she wanted to serve - but not the path to get there.
As a business owner, you know your craft, your business, your process. When you are inside the process, it is easy to assume that everyone around you (including your team and potential clients) knows it too.
TIP: the world is not on the same page with you!
Processes and systems are in every aspect of your business - even your life.
Think about it. Every program and service you now offer has a process to it. There is a step-wise rhythm of activity that takes your clients from point A to point B. Most business owners don’t think about the actual steps in that process; they just jump in and go until the process organically forms.
What is each step in your unique process?
Have you ever stopped to look at the actual process you have in place of taking your clients from point A to point B?
Did you know that by looking at that process, you can identify holes, missed opportunities for additional revenue and, perhaps, identify completely new markets or services?
So, what happened for my client when I took her through our process?
- She found marketable pieces of her offerings that could stand alone and help her even out cash flow
- Four different packages emerged that she can see herself offering to clients and potential clients. So, instead of one, she now has four.
- The overwhelm and “I don’t know” around how to get from Point A to Point B disappeared.
- Pricing and packaging fell into place because she can now see how her program comes together and moves clients from where they are to where they want to be.
- New ideas emerged to expand on her offerings.
- Suddenly, six-figures became possible because she can see it emerging in her work.
- Marketing got easier because she now sees what happens for her clients on a microscopic level.
What about you? Would any of those benefits help you right now?
Would it be okay if time and revenue got a whole lot easier?
Let’s talk!
Schedule your Practice Profits Assessment with me. In this complimentary, private, no obligation conversation, we’ll look at your Equine Assisted Practice to see where profits can be maximized and where they are leaking out.
Click here to schedule yours today.