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In honor of the fallen...

Two legged and four legged

Horses bring freedom in many ways...and some ways have a price tag

This Memorial Day we honor all of those who gave their life fighting for our freedoms and this includes horses.

Historically, horses have carried mankind across vast lands and into battle. They have pulled wagons and plowed fields. Humans have even termed the power of machinery after horses, claiming the machine has the power of a certain number of horses.

Horses carry with them the sense of freedom in many ways. Simply being on their back brings it's own sense of freedom.

The true power of horses has been revealed in offering humans healing and growth, bringing freedom from mental health challenges, old paradigms and the constraints of change.

Horses willingly serve us and bring freedom in so many ways.

We have heard of the decorated hero horses that bravely carried soldiers and supplies into battle, but what about the ones we never heard about? The ones that died in battle.

Today is the day, and we hope all remember more than just one day a year, all of those that paid the ultimate price fighting for our freedoms. The humans and the horses.

Thank you and God bless.